May 31

Part 1 - the Domain Name

Posted by admin . Filed under Small business website tips | 1,406 Comments

The Domain Name

This is always a deceptive step as it’s so easy to forget there are already literally millions of websites up and running today. This means millions of domain names are already unavailable, and when you add in the fact many are also bought and held to reduce competition, increase traffic, or for [...]

May 13

Static and dynamic websites…what’s the difference?

Posted by admin . Filed under Website structure/development 101 | 1,413 Comments

The terms static and dynamic describe both how the page of a website is “served” to the browser/client, and how the browser/client can interact with that page (my use of browser from here on will mean both the software and the human client).
Static websites:
Static websites are just that - static.  They are delivered directly from [...]